

Dandelion - Taraxacum Officinale

Despite its bad reputation, the delightful Dandelion is an important early food source for pollinators and a deliciously nutritious snack for our bunnies. Having been used for thousands of years in Chinese traditional medicine and enjoyed by the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, it wasn't until the invention of the well-kept lawn that we decided to call it a weed and lost touch with its mighty powers. Due to its perennial status, we can forage Dandelion for most of the year, it grows pretty much anywhere and everywhere, making it accessible to everyone. Its roots run deep and wide, aerating the earth and drawing up nutrients from deep soil to benefit neighbouring plants. In addition to nourishing our bunnies from within, it has many food uses for humans. From coffee, tea and tinctures to fresh salads, or a replacement for cooked spinach. Basically, the Dandelion is a handy plant to have around, devoted to helping the land, the humans, the pollinators and most importantly, the bunnies. 

This plant contains a variety of vitamins and minerals such as A, C, E, K, B6, beta carotene, folate, thiamine, riboflavin, calcium, iron, potassium and manganese.

It has been used for centuries by humans, known as a cure-all in herbal medicine. The roots are rich in inulin, a soluble fibre that supports the growth of healthy gut bacteria. When consumed it is known to provide important antioxidants, reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol and control blood sugars.

Monchable bits:

Humans and bunnies can eat the roots, leaves, stems, buds & flowers. 

Feeding guidelines:

Dandelions can be fed regularly to bunnies; introduce all new plants slowly. For a balanced diet aim for a minimum of 5 different plant species to complete each meal. 

Pick n prep guidelines:

  • Always thoroughly wash your forage
  • Only feed plants you're confident you can identify.
  • Forage respectfully and avoid uprooting small plants.
  • Never forage from heavily polluted areas like roadsides and plants that may have been treated with pesticides.
  • Get permission if foraging on private land.
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