Forage For The Feels

Forage For The Feels

One of the many benefits of foraging is that it gives us some special lap-time with mother nature. If you don’t already do it, then let your bun be the reason to give foraging a go.

But it’s not just about finding food for the fur babies, it about feeling the feels!

Connecting with plants, exercising in fresh air, relaxing in green spaces, energising your being with good vibes…it’s all there, and you get a bunny bag of yumminess to bring home for your pals. 


Foraging brings you closer to the REAL world, to the living world that we are a part of, in all its bountiful glory. When you forage, you get tuned in to the seasons, to weather patterns and to the passing of time, which in turn helps regulate your own body clock. The energy of beautiful, natural environments can improve mental health, soothe stress, promote healthy sleep patterns and digestion, and ease many health problems, from high blood pressure to low self-esteem. It’s the quickest and nicest way to find balance in a very wobbly world.


All our ancestors foraged, for themselves and their livestock, and they did pretty well on it too! It’s only in the last century that foraging became so ignored, thanks to our busy, artificial lifestyles. But we all know now that we need to get outside more, so why not make stepping into nature to find forage part of a healthy lifestyle?


  • Be considerate. Check first, and if it’s private land, get permission. Most landowners would love a free gardener to keep the weeds down and the hedges trimmed. But there might be a conservation reason to leave it be, so always respect and honour the rules.
  • Take it one at a time to get familiar with the plant in all stages, all seasons. Most importantly, identify with confidence using picture guides. See the list in our "why we forage" article for the best plants to start with.
  • Don’t be greedy. Most plants thrive after a nibble, so be gentle, and if it’s a small plant, don’t pull out the roots and leave plenty of leaf for photosynthesis.
  • Be aware. Nature is everywhere, so keep your eyes peeled. Try not to trample, cut or damage any other plants or fungi when you’re foraging.
  • Keep it clean. Only forage on organic or relatively un-tampered with land, and always wash well before feeding anyway.
  • Treat it like food. It IS food, and just like a store-bought lettuce, you should keep freshly foraged leaves in the chilled part of the fridge. It should last a week if stored in a sealed freezer bag. 
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